I've found my self angry this week. This isn't a new state for me, I seem to feel pain and injustices deeply. But I've been dwelling on them more lately. Here, in no particular order, are things that make me so very angry:
1. Congress voting to take away funding to Planned Parenthood. Seriously?! This NYT article give the facts: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/18/us/politics/18parenthood.html?ref=politics and the fact of the matter is that Federal Funds are NOT paying for abortions, they are paying for health care, screenings, counseling, and birth control to low income women.Go do something useful Congress. I hear unemployment is a problem.
2. Along the lines of #1 - why are we trying to take funding from public broadcasting? Its much much better than the crap we are fed on FOX and MSNBC.
3. And why are peaceful protesters (and mourners) being shot at by police?! We need to do more than urge the leaders of Bahrain to show restraint. Are we for democracy or not?
4. The ever popular "blame the rape victim", guaranteed to raise my blood pressure. Let examine our own shortcomings before we point at others: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/18/us/politics/18parenthood.html?ref=politics
This is a short list of things that have been keeping me up at night. I think I need to focus on relaxing next week, or I'll go insane!