Monday, September 27, 2010

We're moving on up!!

Since graduating from college, I've moved 5 times (thats 5 times in 5 years!!). And in less than a month, we'll be moving again. This time, we're not going far, almost across the parking lot. I'm excited because we'll have 2 closets and a pantry; Josh is excited because we'll have a fireplace!
Here is the floorplan of our new place

Getting ready to move yet again has caused me to reflect on the events (and adventures!) of the past 5 years.

I moved to Blacksburg Virgina without knowing a single person! It was a little scary, but also a chance to meet new people and make new friends. And I made some best friends for life (sorry ladies, you're stuck with me!)

Sunny and Rebecs, on a winter roadtrip to Maine

Eileen, the main reason I survived Grad School!    

Blacksburg was a great place, with great people! I couldn't possible picture everyone I love from Blacksburg or this post would go on forever!

Next came a move to Alexandria, Virginia. What an adventure that was! I spent the first 3 months of living there completely lost most, if not all of the time. My first day at a new job, I was over 2 hours late. Luckily, they decided to keep me!

In Alexindria, I lived in a cool house with some really cool girls.

After Alexandria, Josh and I moved to Syracuse, NY. Humm, what to say about Syracuse... I think this pictures sums it up:

Naw, I kid (a little). Syracuse was also a great place to get to know these guys

Hanging out with Uncle Josh!

stealing some koolaid

Our favorite mischief companion

and my partner in crime (well, baking and other fun stuff)   

 While in Syracuse, some really cute penguins came to visit

and I has some shopping and baking adventures with my wonderful friend Christina and some quality bug-hunting with her little boy (I'll admit, I had a crush on him - such a cutie!)

But, after a year and a half in Syracuse, it was time to move back here

and so we wouldn't miss Syracuse TOO much, our first winter back looked like this.

1 comment:

  1. Jes!! Thanks for sharing your blog! We need to take a picture together the next time I see you (which hopefully is sooner than later). I am excited to read your adventures. I guess you gotta have something to go other than gnats eps when Josh is playing halo all day long ;)
