Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend adventures

Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. Josh and I were going to go to PA for the weekend, but decided at the last minute to stay home. Since we were stuck at home, we decided to go exploring and see what we have within a half hour of our apartment (in the direction opposite of DC, hence the open space :)
Friday night, after driving around for awhile, we happened about this wooded area.

I'm not sure why I was making the pretend angry face - maybe I was ready to go home?

Saturday afternoon (yep, we slept all morning, and it was wonderful!) we headed out again, and we found this really cool farm with a trail though the woods:

This little gem is right down the street from our apartment. Its behind a couple office building - how fun would it be to have your lunch break here?

On Monday, we found this park - this might be my new favorite place!
I was hoping to see a frog...

The significance of the yellow bug is that it was there, and I LOVE yellow bugs!

We didn't cross here, too much expensive camera equipment. Maybe next time.

Josh wanted me to be inside the tree for the picture - are you nuts? There are most likely spiders in there!

Ellanor C. Lawrence park, I will be back to visit again!

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